Sport on a plant based diet
The most
premium fuel you can put in your body,
as an athlete, are powerful plant-basedfoods :
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and limited amounts of nuts and seeds.
We only need 6 to 10% of our calories coming from protein, athletes also not more than 10% .
Green leafy vegetables, beans , mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers are good sources of protein but low in calories.
It is important as an athlete to consume enough calories. This is especially true with endurance athletes. Your weight is your guide. If you are losing too much weight then you are not eating enough calories and you need to eat more of the whole grain cereals , whole grain breads, brown rice, quinoa, potatoes, squashes, starchy vegetables , whole fruit with the fibers, which is better than smoothies and juicing. Dried fruit is also a calorie-rich source of plant-based food. Nuts and seeds , especially ground flax seed and walnuts (have a good omega-6 to omega-3 ratio). Cashews and almonds are more pro-inflammatory.
Plants that are anti-inflammatory (for example blueberries) are the best foods for recovery as an athlete. They neutralize the free radicals that come from the oxidative stress in our system generated by endurance sport. If you recover faster, you can work out harder and more efficient and you will perform better.
Fibers bind and carry away cholesterol.
A diet with animal products and processed foods is calorically dense and nutritionally deficient ,
fibers and antioxidants are either non-existent or barely existent in animal products.
Leafy greens are a source of nitric oxide which results in a better circulation during a workout, better cell nutrition as a result, the blood is less sticky with a better flow.
Foods that are rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids like walnuts, flax, hemp, chia are good for muscle recovery.
To have adequate energy before starting a workout depends on foods that provide quick (fruits are quickly absorbed and digested ) and long-lasting sustained energy (potatoes, oats, brown rice, quinoa which are slower digested)
Afterwards to replenish things lost through exercise you have to eat nutrient-dense plant-based whole foods with carbohydrates, amino acids, food with anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3, antioxidants ,vitamins and mineral, and very importantly water ( especially in oranges, apples, and berries) to repair damaged muscle tissue that was put under stress during the workout.
Water is very important and often under-consumed. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, headache and a lethargic feeling .
To build up muscles you have to combine a caloric surplus beyond what you're expending, with resistance weight training. As long as those calories come from plant-based whole foods, you add muscle and not fat.
Supplements are only necessary when there is a known deficiency, otherwise it is a waste of money, and can do more harm than benefit.
The only supplement you need is vitamin B12 when you eat a WFPBD .
You can store carbohydrates in your muscles and liver .
When it comes to protein, we use up what we need for muscle repair, tissue repair, building blocks. When we eat above 10 to 12% of calories coming from protein, we just pee it away or store it as fat.
The hundreds of calories in protein drinks to gain weight or gain muscle mass overload our kidneys and possibly the liver. The over-consuming protein loading up on those calories deprive ourselves from eating more nutrient dense rich foods.
When we consume nutrient dense plant-based whole foods, it's very hard to overeat, so we don't need to count calories .
*Nutrition for Athletes
*Vegan Diet for the Ultra-Athlete
* New Research Shows a Plant-Based Diet Can Improve Recovery Time
*Why athletes are racing on a vegan diet
*A Nutrition Guide For Plant-Based Bodybuilders
* RICH'S STORY A LIFE TRANSFORMED BY PLANTS , een inspirerend verhaal
* F1's Lewis Hamilton Fuels Drive with Vegan Diet

* PlantbasedAthlete
* How I Fuel Myself With a Plant-Based Diet as a Competitive Bodybuilder
* Athletes that are proud to be dairy free: better breathing, better performing, better recovery. The Video Dairy Advertisers Don't Want You To See [Non Graphic]