Succes verhalen 

*Het opmerkelijke verhaal van Eric O'Grey die na meer dan 20 jaar morbied obees te zijn geweest op 10 maanden tijd 75 kg gewicht verloor, genas van diabetes type 2, hoge bloeddruk,  verspreide gewrichtsklachten en depressie door over te schakelen op een whole-food plantaardig voedingspatroon, matige lichaamsbeweging (dagelijks wandelen met zijn hond Peety die hij uit het asiel haalde), yoga en stress management. Na 4 maanden kon hij alle medicatie achterwege laten, inclusief de 200 eenheden insuline die hij zichzelf dagelijks toediende.

Eric O'Grey zijn speech voor het 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

* Hartspecialiste Monica Aggarwal genas haar ernstige Rheumatoide Arthritis met een whole food plantaardig voedingspatroon en een gezondere levensstijl. 

"I am a cardiologist, author, and athlete. I have rheumatoid arthritis. As a physician trained in traditional medicine, I took a different path and chose to heal myself through diet and lifestyle. Today I am symptom free and medicine free. 

I was diagnosed with a severe, debilitating form of rheumatoid arthritis. I met a nutritionist who wanted to participate in one of heart fairs and to show me what she had to offer, she offered to do a diet assessment. I was immediately skeptical as most medical doctors are but I let her do it. It was then for the first time, I started understanding the impact diet has on our health. Three years later, I have taught myself what I did not learn in medical school. I have learned how to treat a patient with diet. I have learned inflammatory foods to eliminate and the anti-inflammatory foods to add back in.
Now I am the healthiest I have maybe ever been. My cholesterol is ridiculously low. My inflammatory markers are nonexistent and I am off all medications. I am strong. I just rocked my first triathlon.
I know now that my job now is to educate people on how to become healthy without medication. My job is to help people heal themselves. My job is to teach people how to prevent disease."

* At 81 years young, Ruth Heidrich, Ph.D., is a seasoned raw vegan Ironman Triathlete. She is the winner of more than 900 trophies, 6 Ironman Triathlons, 8 Gold Medals in the U.S.Senior Olympics, and 67 marathons including Boston, New York, & Moscow. Dr. Heidrich shares her research in care and feeding for amazing human health

* A story of debilitating multiple sclerosis to an Ironman trialthete using a whole food plant-based diet.

* Jessica Bowen kreeg op 29 jarige leeftijd een agressieve hormoongevoelige borstkanker

* My Battle With Crohn's - How Going Plant-Based Gave Me My Life Back

Succes stories, Dr. McDougall's health & medical center

* Een getuigenis over Multiple Sclerose:   "At my six-month checkup, I asked my neurologist about treating MS with a low-fat, plant-based diet. He told me that there was no scientific evidence of diet having any connection to MS, and that I should eat whatever I wanted.

I went to the neurologist for steroid treatment. He advised me that if I continued to refuse the medications I would get sicker and sicker until I died. At that moment, I knew I had no choice. I made a new commitment to my health, to healing, to fully following a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet.

Things began to improve pretty quickly. I noticed that I was no longer chronically constipated; I had more energy; my chronic pain receded; the candida I'd been living with since I was 16 just went away; and slowly I started to lose weight that I'd never been able to lose before.

That was 10 years ago this August, and I've never looked back. I am now celebrating 10 years completely free from the symptoms and relapses of multiple sclerosis!"

* "I Keep My Rheumatoid Arthritis in Check with Plants, Not Pills"

*Watching "Forks Over Knives" Changed This Doctor's Life-and Career

 It all came together when Netflix suggested that I watch Forks Over Knives. I had never heard of a whole-food, plant-based diet and its potential to reverse heart disease. At one point, I became upset, feeling somewhat mislead because this information had not been covered in our traditional medical training.

I quickly transitioned myself to a whole-food, plant-based diet and lost 50 pounds in six months. For the first time in my adult life, I reached my ideal body weight of 170 pounds. I now make sure that all my patients with heart disease understand the extent to which diet and lifestyle have caused their illness-and that a whole-food, plant-based diet and other lifestyle changes are essentially a cure.

This change in my approach to medicine has changed my career path as well. I recently relocated my cardiology practice to bring lifestyle medicine centered around a whole-food, plant-based diet to the greater Chicago area. I am privileged to work closely with Dr. Kim Williams, immediate past president of the American College of Cardiology, current Chief of Cardiology at Rush University, and a strong advocate of plant-based nutrition.